Faith That Works


Ps Dan Cronin

How can you have joy in the middle of a storm? What is the purpose of it all? How can we pas the test of faith? In the message Ps Dan helps us answer all these questions through James 1:1-18


Ps Dan Cronin

Is our faith just about subscribing to set a of beliefs, is it just a theoretical thing? Or is it actually far more experiential and practical? In this message Ps Dan, challenges us to have faith with hands and feet.


Ps Dan Cronin

What belongs in church? Should we show favouritism? How do we value everyone with the inherent value God gives to all people?

In this message on James 2:1-13, Pastor Dan calls out prejudice and calls us to live the way of Jesus.


Ps Dan Cronin

Ever regretted something you have said? Have you been on the receiving end of words that still to this day sting?

In this message Ps Dan preaches from James 3:1-12, the power of the tongue. Challenging us to recognise the power of the tongue and harness is for good.


Ps Dan Cronin

We all in our lives will have conflicts, how do we defeat conflict. How do we live lives of faithfulness and obedience to Jesus Christ?

In this message Ps Dan preaches on James 4:1-12, in which we are challenged to see

Gratitude defeat conflict

To be Humbled by Grace

To be Serious about Sin


Nehemia Kabemba

Have you any troubles? Have you got any problems in life? In this message Nehemia preaches for the first time in English, preaching on James 5. The power of prayer, why do we pray, why can we have confidence in prayer.